
Competitive Grants

Ignite Grant Program - Applied Research

Universities of Wisconsin Administration, in collaboration with WiSys, is pleased to offer the Ignite Grant Program (formerly known as the Applied Research Grant Programs - ARG, AR-WiTAG and PDF) to UW System faculty and academic staff for applied research and prototype development.  

Intent to Submit Due:
Full Proposal Due:
Award Announcements:

Apply Anytime

Ignite Grant Program - Prototype Development

Due to the financial impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, Universities of Wisconsin has suspended applications for prototype development funding for fiscal year 2022-23.  Please contact your WiSys Regional Associate if you have a prototype development project that requires funding to discuss other options that may be available to you.


The Wisconsin Small Company Advancement Program (WiSCAP) connects the high-tech research and development needs of Wisconsin Small companies with the technical expertise of faculty at the UW Comprehensive campuses.